Thursday 5 June 2014

Protocols and Documents for OSD Main Event Participation - June 21st, 2014 Saturday

Dear All,

Below is a list of links to all relevant protocols and documents required for participation at the OSD Main Event on June 21st, 2014, Saturday.

MTA & Data Policy documents need to be signed, scanned and sent to osd-contact<at>microb3<dot>eu by June 13th, 2014. Hard copies to be shipped together with your samples by July 23rd, 2014 to Bremen, Germany.

You can purchase any of the below:

3. OSD Sampling Protocol for Prokaryotes

8. OSD Sites Registry

9. Micro B3 OSD Data Policy

10. Micro B3 OSD Smithsonian Institute Material Transfer Agreement

11. CIESM Charter
To be circulated by Dr. Michele Barbier, CIESM.

As always, massive thanks for all your efforts.

OSD is what you make of it..

Best wishes,
The OSD Core Team


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