Wednesday 26 June 2013

Towards an OSD Data Policy

Draft OSD Data Policy

The OSD data policy applies to everyone in the OSD Consortium (to date this means everyone who has constructively contributed to OSD sampling events). The draft policy describes the tenets of data sharing in OSD, release of the data, and the membership in and authorship with the OSD Consortium. The current draft of the OSD Data Policy is here along with the members of the OSD Data Policy Working group:

Status to date

This first draft data policy covering the collection, dissemination, analysis and publication of OSD data has been developed in 2012/13 during the pilot events of OSD. Within Micro B3, WP8 is responsible for the Micro B3 data policy.  The OSD policy will be based on this policy.  We welcome input from all OSD participants on shaping of the OSD data policy. Please send comments to

Next steps

This draft data policy is undergoing OSD community consultation until the end of 2013 and will be finalized and voted upon in the Micro B3 General Assembly (GA) planned for April 2014 and then adopted.  It will remain the responsibility of the OSD Data Policy working group to make sure the policy is fit for purpose and all are aware of it when submitting and using data of the OSD Consortium.  If you would like to join the group please contact


We are developing the OSD Data Policy by drawing on existing policies (See Biosharing:, current best practice in genomics and the needs of Micro B3 and the OSD community.  We are developing the policy according to the “12 steps to a data policy” outlined in Field et al (2009) Science: