Monday 18 June 2012

Smart phone application for Ocean Sampling Day - collaboration with Epicollect

Micro B3 is working with the developers of the widely used EpiCollect software ( An OSD specific project has been built using the software. For the OSD 2012 pilot, we will trial this version to capture photos, GPS co-ordinates, date and time and a small amount of additional contextual information (part of the GSC's MixS standard). By the next sampling event we will employ features of a forthcoming new version of EpiCollect.

Data can be collected in the field and uploaded to the pre-set OSD database once in range of an internet connection. Data (photos and metadata) can be browsed, downloaded and viewed on a google map or loaded into google earth. As we collect information charts, graphs and the ability to view samples by time will also be available.
An OSD administrator we will have access to all the data in case updates/edits need to be made (or test entries deleted).
If you would like to help us trial the software please install and use the app on the summer solstice.

The OSD 2012 Pilot homepage is here:

A page of OSD specific instructions is there on the Epicollect website:

the walk-through is for Android, but David mentioned that for iPhone etc the instructions should be read and then the iPhone Instructions viewed also. There is one sample data point that was used by David to develop some instructions.


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  4. Cloud based parking management software for condominiums
    Free Parking Software for Town Houses, Condominiums, and Businesses Solves Parking Problems
    Searching for a parking space is such as frustrating routine activity for lots of people in cities all over the world. This search is burning over a million barrels of oil of the world each day. There are also 4-parking spaces every vehicle in the US and almost all streets are most of the time, empty, which leads to urban environments that are ironically doing far more to accommodate the vehicles than people. As the global population continuously urbanize, without a convenience-driven and well-planned retreat from cars, these sort of parking problems will worsen. software is the first step in the right decision. It involves using low-cost sensors, mobile phone-enabled, and real time data collection automated payment systems enabling people to reserve parking in advance or predict accurately where they can find a spot. When deployed as a system, free parking software thereby reduces car emissions in the urban centers by means of reducing the necessity for the people to circle the city blocks needlessly searching for parking. Furthermore, it permits the cities to manage their parking supply carefully.
    This free parking software is now being developed in many different states and cities around the United States and some other countries. For instance, in LA, smart meters and low-power sensors are tracking the occupancy of parking spaces across the Hollywood district, one of the most congested areas. The users will be able to access this occupancy data in order to determine the availability of the spots and then pay for them with their mobile phones. Other than the environmental benefits and lending convenience, free parking software is improving the utilization of the current parking, which lead to greater revenue for parking owners.
    These programs will be able to make great differences on a neighborhood level, but more widespread development and deployment is necessary for free parking software to change the cities and to contribute to the transportation sector pollution reductions greenhouse gas. One problem is that there are no citywide solutions all over the fragmented private and public parking providers. The occupancy data has a tendency to have many owners and is not accessible or standardized in a way that may enable software developers to turn into user-friendly applications. Thereby, individual smart parking efforts are so far successful locally, but uncoordinated, and operates in their own entrepreneurial or bureaucratic vacuums without a need to take gap between current free parking software and more widespread transportation system planning is an enormous missed opportunity for the cities to reduce the transportation related emissions.
    Moreover, free parking software has been hindered by a lack of insight into the complete benefits of this software, specifically when compared to the cost of building extra parking spaces. Lack of collaboration between communities with the parking software programs, as well as lack of coordination between hardware providers, municipalities, and developers is also contributing to the slower adoption of smart parking. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome all these issues. Cities will be able further accelerate these advantages by means of updating the land use and building codes policies to reflect the reduced need for parking.
